16 May 2011


I really love well-designed infographics. In my day-to-day work I often design boring bar charts that simply convey the most dull of information...at least in my opinion. Sure, I make them pretty, but there is only so much you can do when the subject matter is so boring. I try to just keep it clean and simple. The giant tables that come my way...yeah, still trying to figure out how to make those lovely. All in all, the data that I come across is pretty boring (believe me!). So, when I see examples of really fun charts I get excited. Here are a few that I especially love:

This show is full of so much hilarious stuff! I would have to say it's one of my favorites.
But wait, there's more after the jump:

I also love, and hate, my spending trends charts. My bank started doing this recently though I first saw this in Mint.com. It's informative and frightening to see where all your money goes!

And, on the same topic with some cool interactivity:

GOOD does a decent job of creating fun, informative graphics. I do find, though, that they are too busy sometimes.

But, on to better, funnier things. Hilarious charts loosely based on fact (from one of my favorite blogs, hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com):

And again, masterpieces of data. Or datum. Either way:

Ok. That's quite the list. Maybe next time I will dedicate a post to horrible charts that deserve to never see the light of day. Yes, I might subject you to this, but would you read it?


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