06 June 2011

so, about the ads

You might have noticed that I put up ads on this site. And then took them down. And then put them back on again. Well, there is a good reason for that and believe me it's not all the buckets o' money I am raking in, because there definitely aren't plural buckets or even singular buckets. Not even a bowl. Not anything really. I did add the ads though because it was bothering me so much how little space there is between blog posts! So the ad makes a good filler space to properly air out the posts. I need white space. So    much   white         space. Truly. It's terribly important.

Anyway, I am planning a redesign of the blog eventually but until I have some time, I think I am going to keep the ads. Sorry! I know you probably won't click on them and that's ok. It just makes me feel less crazy about my posts and keeps me from messing with the layout so much again. :) But, of course, if you see something you like, I won't stop you from clicking on it or anything.

Cheers and happy Monday!!

Oh, and for the record, I don't eat lard. I'm a vegetarian. But I thought this ad was so funny and "wholesome."


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